Saturday, November 10, 2018

cakephp history ,features, why need of cakephp and, comparison

Cakephp 3.6 Introduction

Presented By Techsol Expert


uApril 2005
uMichal Tatarynowicz wrote a minimal version of a rapid application development in PHP
uUnder the MIT license
uCurrent version 3.6
uMeasure use for Blogs website
uIn all php framework approx 6% use in the world

We can also understand by Graph Chart

cakephp graph comparison with other php framework
Cakephp Use 5.6 % in all PHP Framework

Measure Changes in 3.x version Main Points

uBetter performance
uEnhanced components and helpers
uImproved session management
uImproved consistency of conventions
uThemes and plugins merged:
uORM Improvements
uFolder Structure
uBest proficiency

Why We Should Use of Cakephp

uOpen Source
uMVC Pattern
uReusable Codes
uZero Configuration
uRouting advance Concept
uEasily Extend with plugins
uBuild In Validation
uCrud Operation 
uDebug and Testing

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